Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Days 6 - 7

   Well, me not having posted anything the last half of tour must mean that I had so much fun I didn't have any time to write anything. Yeah. That must have been it. This is going to take a while, and I don't expect that I'll remember everything that happened. I was simply just having a great time!

Day 6:
   We spent the night in a seemingly upscale-on-the-outside, sketchy-mc-sketcherpants-on-the-inside Ramada in Northglenn, CO. The day before was filled with lots of fun things, the most eventful of which was Casa Bonita. We all decided that you can easily leave Casa Bonita...but Casa Bonita doesn't easily leave you.

  The next morning was the skiing day! Unfortunately, I didn't go skiing. People kept asking me why not, and I had just decided before tour that I didn't want to spent most of the day learning how to ski (I've never been before) and only be able to go once. So I spent the day in downtown Denver with a bunch of people who also didn't go skiing. We mostly just shopped or sightsaw (sightseed?) (sightseen?) (whatever). I didn't take a whole lot of pictures that day, but here's what I got!

After lunch (at Chick-fil-A!) Wes and Laura just had to pose for a picture. Wes then proceeded to run/dance across the courtyard yelling, "They're my friends, I'm with them!" while the rest of us said, "We don't know him, he's not with us!"
  There's a story that goes with this picture. Melissa and Krishana and I were looking for a place to eat supper after a long day of walking/shopping. So we got out our smartphones and looked up a place that had pizza/Italian and found Mile High Pizza Pie! So we walked the few blocks over there and took a picture in front of the sign before we went in. Then about 3 guys walked out of the restaurant came out and wanted to see the picture we took (I think they had just gotten a new sign and wanted to see if it showed up in pictures). Melissa was preeeeetty hesitant to show her phone to the random stranger, but finally agreed. Then we walked in, ordered, and sat down. It was a pretty small place, very hole-in-the-wall-ish. There were probably 12-15 seats in the whole place. They were very overstaffed- probably 6 or 7 guys working there for very few patrons. The three of us came up with a few words to describe our trip:

Free dessert.
Sketchy bathrooms (if you ask Melissa, that's an understatement).
Harboring a fugitive.

Let me know if you want me to go into any more detail!
Krishana and Melissa split a couple different things, I had lasagna

The owner came over and gave us free dessert from The Cheesecake Factory! So sweet!

This guy was playing in an alleyway on our walk back to the bus station. He was very good! I wish I had taken a video...

Events/quotes of the day:
Melissa almost got run over by a bike taxi (I can't think of what else they are called!) on 16th Street Mall.
"I wish I could take out my left hand!" - Bre Blaschke

After writing this down, I've decided to write these last few days in chunks as well. One just can't write about the last 5 days of tour all at once!

Day 7:

   We spent the night at the same hotel Ramada in Northglenn, CO. We spent most of the morning/afternoon at Emily Noble's house eating brunch, playing with pets, going to the park and goofing off, and generally relaxing before our concert that evening!

This was the biggest game of Ultimate Frisbee I've ever seen. It doesn't look like it here, but it was actually very sunny outside! I got some sweet tan lines.
There was an ongoing game of Mad Gabs in the Noble's living the. Entire. Day.
  After we left the Noble's, we made our way to The EDGE, who was hosting us for the evening. We didn't have our concert there- it was too small- but they had us for supper. The concert that night was at Columbine High School. Needless to say, it was AMAZING and very emotional.

They had a banner! And decorated tables! And wonderful food.

Our host mom (foreground) and her friend were duet ringers and gave us an impromptu concert! The video should be on my Facebook page if you want to see it.
  Amanda and Krishana and I finally got to spend a night together at Shirley's house. She even had a Steinway in her living room that I got to play in the morning! It was very relaxing, but the drive to and from the church was a little long.

Events/quotes of the day:
"Is the polar bear God?" - Paul Hjellming
"If you're a PK, can you raise your hand?" - Daniel Rimmereid
The bus was a bit sketchy at this point, so when I came out of the church at one point, Josh Palmer, Taylor Bothun, Paul Hjellming and Benji (the bus driver) were cleaning out the bus! They de-trashed, swept, and mopped the entire bus! Lexi made them awards the next morning. :)

That's all I have time for right now! Hopefully I can do the next few days tomorrow!

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