Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Ten Best Things

As earlier promised, here is my list of the ten best things about having your own apartment. Feel free to add your own. All artwork courtesy of The Oatmeal.

1. You don't have to worry about anyone else eating your food. Except your boyfriend.


2. No one else is hogging the bandwidth.

3. You don't have to shut the bathroom door.

4. I can have the apartment as warm as I want!

5. No one complains about not liking my candle scent.

6. I have my very own address! Send me mail!

7. I always get to pick the movie/show. AND I get to have subtitles on. AND no one complains.

8. I am the only person whose hair I have to clean out of the shower drain.

9. You are never too far away from the wireless router- more about having a small apartment than my own place.

10. I always get to lick the spoon.

And since I forgot to give you your daily dose of cute/funny pictures last time, here's extra!

Literal song lyrics. Gets me every time.


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